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So to review: on top of a deadly pandemic and the resulting suffering and denial, we have unidentified military entities perpetrating needless brutality upon people peacefully protesting needless police brutality and civil rights violations.  Yeah, that makes sense, because there wasn’t enough racism and chaos already.  And our egotistical brute-in-chief just keeps inciting atrocities and whipping up frenzy.  I’m sure there has to be a stray bullet out there with his name on it, and I’m not ashamed to hope it.

Closer to home, my son and grandkids are back in town for the summer, and naturally everything that could possibly go wrong for him (on top of a pandemic) is.  It’s challenging at the best of times, but under the current constraints, it will be much more so.  I feel helpless, not being able to go see them and try to help out, or even know if I’ll see them again.  These are trying times, for sure.

On that cheery note, here are more flowers and a chipmunk.  This cheeky little fellow refused to be intimidated by the agitated Misu, and just kept coming back for more.  I admire his/her chutzpah.  The first coneflower (Echinacea) bloomed, and zucchini blossoms are opening.  I’ll take any good news, however mundane.

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