Deserted Island in a Viral Sea

Sometimes it feels like we’re stranded on a deserted island in a sea of COVID seekers.  Some of the photos of wall-to-wall bodies on beaches and in venues are unbelievable.  Total denial.  If innocent people weren’t affected, I’d say y’all go for it, pursue your right to die of virus exposure, reduce the moron population, starting with your idiot-in-chief.  But we all suffer from your stupidity.  It won’t kill you to wear a mask, but it will kill you or others if you don’t.  ’nuff said.

At least we have the basic necessities we need on our island, as well as the luxury of swarms of flowers and pollinators.  Half of our erev meal today consisted of greens and veggies from the garden.  It sucks that we have to risk dying just to restock on staples occasionally, but so far so good.  I’m sad I won’t be able to spend my son’s 40th birthday with him, or see my visiting grandkids, but everyone’s survival is at stake, so I make the best of a difficult situation.

Just look at these mobs of flowers!  It’s the kind of mob I can live with (not die of).

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