Stuck on Sauna

The weather seems to be stuck at the t-storms and sauna position, which is not a bad thing for the plants and wildlife.  It’s an explosion of color, pollinators, new veggies, and herds of chipmunks running around.  Misu always has plenty of critter action to watch from her perches.  They’ve gotten so blasé about her presence, they just keep eating.

I made this pasta e fagioli with cranberry beans, and fresh pole beans, greens, and herbs from the garden, etc.  It turned out pretty nicely.

Check out all these flowers and bees!  I’m still waiting for butterflies and hummers to show up.  Apparently I’m not alone; many observers in various states have noticed a scarcity of them so far this year.  Hopefully they’ll find their way here soon.


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