Necessity truly is the mother of invention, or at least of resourcefulness.
It seems there actually is a nationwide scarcity of baking yeast, due to the rediscovery of bread-making during quarantine. So we decided to make our own yeast and sourdough starter. It turns out it’s pretty simple to do. E started a batch in her lab, and will be watching it for signs of viability.
Ironic if the pandemic forces us all back to square one, relearning the basics of self-sufficiency. A good thing too, since we’re officially in one of the worst recessions ever.
Back to nature, who is the original mother of invention. Nature has to be resilient and adaptable to survive us humans. These bunnies, for example, are opportunists, brazenly grazing right around our front porch as well as the veg gardens. They make good lawnmowers. (Sorry for poor quality.) This morning I saw a raven chasing and pecking at a rabbit’s butt, making it jump. Who says nature has no sense of humor.
Speaking of veggies, once these snow peas finally got going, they went crazy. This is just this morning’s haul.
Here are some more random scenes. I’ve had even more time to kill during the quarantine than usual, so it’s starting to look more parklike around here. It’s challenging, having to work with whatever I’ve got on hand. Also, those pesky ravens like to tear up everything right behind me. Who knew ravens were such varmints.
Just a note on #BLM–I’m glad to see thousands of black and white people peacefully demonstrating over police racist brutality throughout the country, including in large and small Tennessee cities. Maybe this time around it will finally hit home how pervasive racism is, and how our so-called leaders fan the flames and perpetuate it. Where were all these BLM supporters when all the other atrocities were being perpetrated on innocent people? Racism is so ingrained in our society, whites have become desensitized to it, while blacks are just trying to survive one more day. I hope all these marchers will vote as well. It’s a start.