Old business first–here is E’s homemade pizza from yesterday, a white pizza with a fluffy crust, fresh homegrown tomatoes, and anchovies. We really do like anchovies. And pizza.
It was mowing day today, in between rains. It helps to distinguish the “prairie” from the rest of the tall weeds! By the way, I have one of my infamous “12-step-programs” planned for the prairie this fall, involving a major cleanup. More on that later. Here are some E-mowing shots, plus the requisite post-mow beer.
This morning what was left of my poor corn and lone sunflower looked like a vegetable murder scene. I did manage to salvage these small squashes and what’s left of the pole beans. The “three sisters” are not thriving this year. Next year (if there is one) I’ll redesign the veg beds to reflect a more native American approach. They had the right idea.
On a brighter note, you can never have too many flowers, whether native, tropical, perennial, or annual.