It’s like someone flicked a switch. Even down south, as soon as it turns August, there’s a certain something, je ne sais quoi, in the air. It’s fresher and breezier, and it’s easier to work. Which is what I did.
I finished cleaning up the main veg bed, planted some homegrown pepper and eggplant seedlings, fed and watered them, and spread blood and bone meals around the various veg beds. I also planted my mammoth sunflower seedlings in the front of the “prairie”. Hopefully they’ll get off to a good start before the varmints eat them.
Lots of blanketflower, goldenrod, BE susans, coneflowers, butterfly weed, mountain mint, and other natives are blooming in the “prairie”. I’m noticing more dragonflies, birds, rabbits, and other critters out there. It actually is starting to look more prairie-like, if you squint!
And of course no post would be complete without yet more flower shots around the yard.