Neither Sog Nor Fog…

It was quite soggy, boggy, and foggy this morning, after almost 2 1/2 (!!) inches of rain in one 24 hour period.  Naturally that doesn’t stop me, it only encourages me to keep at it.  I finished planting my little veg/herb seedlings from the porch, so that’s pretty much it for summer plantings.  Next up will be preps for fall projects.

Here are some scenes from between torrential deluges, a soggy bee, some flowers, ‘shrooms, a moth, and my best black swallowtail caterpillar shot yet.

PS–As of today, the [official] number of COVID deceased in Knox Co. is 42.  Which probably means a lot more.  Not my favorite use of my #42, but I just had to make note of it.  🙁


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