Pre-Coming of Age

Today my oldest grandson turns “almost teenage”.  Happy Birthday, K!  I was there before, during, and after his birth, so there will always be a special bond there, even at a social distance.  Next time I see him, he probably will have crossed over into teen territory.

My son and kids are on their way back to their mother in PA.  We couldn’t visit them this whole summer because of the pandemic.  Who knows when it will once again be safe enough to see them whenever they’re in town.

Everything is uncertain right now.  The only way we have a chance at recovery in this country is to vote trump out.  All other idealogical considerations fall by the wayside, as far as I’m concerned.

Even the security of voting in any form is in jeopardy because of that criminal.  We personally will risk getting COVID to vote in person, rather than risk losing our vote by mail.  Whichever method you choose, do it as soon as it’s possible.

In lighter news, here is a weird purple alien, a.k.a. kohlrabi.  Also some produce, and an okra flower.

Speaking of flowers, which I do a lot, here are more!

Look at the size of this sycamore leaf, from this tree I grew from a tiny sapling from my son’s house.

Finally, here are some of my butterfly caterpillar friends, who have now moved on to another dill plant.


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