One thing I’ll say for this Yom Kippur–it’s one of the strangest, bleakest ones in my memory, and I don’t need to tell you why. The most positive aspect of it, ironically, is the fast. A system purge and reset is definitely in order. Overeating is overrated.
As for atonement and justice, a certain criminal-in-chief comes to mind. Regardless of your thoughts on g-d, or lack thereof, surely some overdue judgment or consequences must eventually prevail. No one, not even a Hitler, gets away with murder forever. I have to believe he’ll get what he deserves, and soon.
And now back down to earth. It’s been raining like a sieve. The field and garden are loaded with festive colors. When I’m feeling overly anxious and depressed, biology reassures me that not all is f—ed up beyond repair. Just under a dark cloud for now, with the odd glimmer of light. Silver linings payback, perhaps? ;-D