Rain at last–albeit probably due to advance effects of Hurricane Delta, which is slamming the Gulf Coast on top of all the existing damage sustained during the last recent disaster. I can’t imagine what that’s like during the pandemic, no thanks to our negligent loser-in-chief. It’s just one more insult added to injuries and hardships too numerous to fathom or condone. May his teetering Jenga pile of crimes and fails come crashing down on him soon.
Closer to home, it’s [erev-all-those-other-holidays] at the tail end of the Sukkot festival season. With nature’s help I’m trying to keep it appropriately festive. It’s gratifying to discover lots of volunteer native seedlings coming up all over the perennial beds, especially passionflower and columbines, not to mention herb seeds that germinated on their own. California poppies have finally taken over the rock garden. I think next spring and summer are going to be an explosion of welcome flowering plants. It’s something to look forward to.