Celebrity Vaccine

I’m all for frontline medical leaders and healthcare workers getting this vaccine ASAP, and I totally get medical “celebs” like Dr. Fauci and state officials getting vaccinated publicly by the NIH  to reassure the public that it’s safe and effective.  It’s a momentous occasion.

I just found it humorous to watch them on TV lining up, making their little speech, bravely getting shot up, receiving applause, then forgetting their documents and running back to get them!  Let’s Play Celebrity Vaccine!  Maybe they should tell repubs it’s morphine, so they won’t be so skeptical!   Whatever it takes.

It was nice out today, in the 50s, so I dug up the compost pile and dumped it on the veg garden, and threw manure/compost on the “veg annex”.  Tomorrow it’s supposed to be ~60º (!), so I’ll try out our new electric rototiller.

Here is a pleasant drink I made up with gin, a touch of açaí liqueur, and a lime slice.

And here are some signs of life on this winter day.  I included the one with just green leaves, because there might have been one or two kale plants there, and they somehow multiplied into a solid ground cover, still green in December.  Nature is always surprising me.


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