Erev Eve

It’s more of a wet than white xmas for now, but even down here they’re threatening an inch or so of some wintry mix, and plummeting freezing temps.  All the more reason to stay home!!  As if we needed one.

We’re some of the fortunate ones to have a home and the means to pay for it, unlike millions of Americans being screwed by our Scrooge-in-chief on his way out.  I doubt even scary ghosts in chains could reach his black hole of a soul.  May he and his fellow degenerates be brought to justice, or at least haunted by their crimes, in the coming year and beyond.

Tennessee has more cases, deaths, and overwhelmed healthcare workers per capita than anywhere on earth, not just the country, right now.  All because of republican indifference and incompetence.  Don’t even think about having a heart attack or other emergency, or getting admitted to an ICU.  They don’t even have room for all the COVID cases caused by people traveling, socializing, and not taking precautions.  It’s a high price to pay for self-indulgence.

But we’re still here, hunkered down and trying to stay as festive as one can in isolation.  Here are scenes.  Happy Whatever you celebrate.  Please stay safe and considerate and alive.



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