Never Too Many Flowers

What a day to be under the weather (different version, still not amused).  It’s almost 70º out, sunny and breezy, a perfect day for what I’d hoped would be tilling the veg beds day.  Oh well, it will get done eventually.  In lieu of gardening, here are some more flowers from yesterday.

I just have to say, I don’t care what petty complaints people have about politicians, whether it’s Gov. Cuomo, or Pres. Biden. They’re still a million times better than the alternative predator we had for four horrible years.

And insulting a presidential rescue dog, for f!@# sake?!  Don’t people have anything better to do?

With all the other catastrophic traumas going on every day, no thanks to the previous admin., it’s such a relief to wake up to news of competent leaders finally getting stuff done.  Yes, we should have been much farther along by now, but here we are, at least not going backwards.

After four years of bad news, on top of pre-existing anxiety, any progress, however small, is like therapy to my ears.  You won’t hear me complaining.  I lived through trump.


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