Yesterday was unseasonably warm (70s), so I got busy. I wasn’t the only one; the first chorus of peepers and tree frogs were out in force nearby, always my favorite time. Hoping to attract frogs and others to a water feature some day, I started to dig out a hole (not pictured) for the larger pond liner, out in the “prairie”. Simultaneously, I used the soil to reconstruct the boardwalk, redirecting it between trees. It was hard work, in my winter flab condition, so after a few hours I left some for another day. No sense having a heart attack in the middle of my project.
Another exciting sign of spring was the first blooming of daffodils and hyacinth. I brought the first cut flowers inside. It’s just the beginning of the flower extravaganza to follow. I have no idea how so many hundreds of bulbs mysteriously migrate to all over the property. I spotted a fat young groundhog checking out the garden, making plans! I suspect it’s the little one that visited our front porch last year, only bigger. I wasn’t able to get a photo, unfortunately. Overhead, a couple of hawks were soaring and screaming, while down below, herds of squirrels were getting manically frisky. Not me, though; I collapsed in a heap of exhaustion, being not as “springy” as I used to be!