The other day I sowed my first veg seeds of the year outdoors: snow peas, sugar snap peas, spinach, and radishes. Daffodils are really starting to bloom en masse.
Also, my son and I got to catch up by phone, always a welcome, reassuring occasion. Except for the sad (for me, not him) fact that he probably found a buyer for his house “as is”, and a rental house in St. Louis, and it’s all coming to a finale some time next month. So that’s that. I’ll have to put my pandemic practice to good use and continue to miss him after it’s behind us. I wish him all the best. We’ll still be here, holding down the TN fort for whenever it’s safe to come out again.
IF the pandemic is ever behind us. At the rate these stupid repub governors are going, lifting all COVID mandates (if they ever had them to begin with), we’ll be right back where we started, with hundreds of thousands more deaths, just as things were starting to improve. It’s like they live in some alternate world where somehow magically everything goes back to normal, while the rest of us are up against even greater risk of infection and death. Insanity.
But life goes on, as it must. I’ll continue restoring a more natural habitat, even as surrounding properties tear down trees and plant ugly houses. All the more incentive to keep trying. Soon we’ll be this wildlife refuge island in the middle of a nature desert. At least that’s the plan. I do what I can.
I’m having some (server?) tech difficulties uploading photos to my site, so you’ll have to just imagine flowers for now, until I can correct it.