Transbasher Smackdown

It seems nothing is too depraved and reprehensible for Repubs.  Now they’re at it again with more anti-transgender  bills, aimed at denying trans youth their basic human rights.  Why??   How are trans kids hurting them or anyone?

Repugs have nothing better to do than crusade against, oh I don’t know, actual ethical values?!  Or healthcare security for all Americans?  Hopefully compassion and justice will prevail with this new admin, but if it’s up to bigoted, phobic red states like ours, medieval times are here to stay.

I know firsthand how cruel and dangerous this discrimination can be for already-marginalized people who never chose to be born this way, and depend on essential medical care and prohibitive procedures to restore them to their correct biological gender.  It’s not a choice, orientation, or mental issue.  But try explaining that to brainless bigots who don’t accept science, and worship a diabolical golden swine.

Sorry, I try not to rant too often, but this one’s close to home.  The number of people involved represents such a tiny fraction of the population, considering the huge fuss repubs make over it, but their inhumane treatment is very real.  They are family, neighbors, students, proud military service people, hard workers, government servants, and average citizens.  They deserve the same rights and healthcare as anyone else.  They need allies, not bashers.

And now back to non-controversial flowers.



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