Spring Firsts

There are some (unofficial) spring firsts here at the Almanac.  To me, every new sign of life or change is a big deal, however insignificant.

I dragged the hoses out for the first time this year, and watered the newly-sown veg garden.  So of course now it’s begun pouring again (my evil plan).

The violets (my birth flower) are in bloom everywhere, in various colors.  They make the perfect native ground cover for shade.

The first of one of my favorite daffodils bloomed.


So did the first tulip, not pictured.  Hyacinths and drifts of grape hyacinths are turning up everywhere I didn’t plant them, which is fine.

I don’t even mind the masses of weed flowers taking over the lawn, an improvement in my opinion.  In just the last day or so, everything is greening up intensely and blooming.



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