More severe storms came through the southeast today, bringing yet more destructive tornadoes and deaths. The climate is clearly becoming more volatile all the time.
We had a few scary moments ourselves this morning, as dangerous-looking dark clouds came barreling through along with t-storms and pounding rain, but thankfully it kept passing over (see what I did there). I was in the middle of preparing the first seder, and had to stop and try not to panic. Tornadoes are one of my worst fears. But the threat seems to be averted, for now. I was able to complete my seder preps and meal. Did I mention my world-renowned superior charoset?
Being careful to separate even photos of chametz (not kosher for Passover food), which was symbolically purged and burned this morning, here is the last chametz from last night, a mushroom pizza by E.
In greener news, my tomato plants are going bananas. I’ve had to pinch them back once already, and they literally grew back an inch in one day! I have to prune them back again.