First some more good news–my son got his first (Pfizer) vaccination! His second dose will probably be in St. Louis, where he’ll now live. The bad news is, I’m very sad to not even be able to see him off, knowing he’ll no longer be in TN, which is mostly why I moved here. But he’ll be happy, anyway. I’m glad we got to have some good times together before the pandemic.
Today it’s almost 80°, and supposed to be even hotter tomorrow! OK, now it’s summer? I made the most of it by hoeing and raking the whole top part of the fence bed, and then sowed it with many varieties of lettuces, salad greens, and onions. Now it will be one big salad bar! The lower part of the bed, which I just expanded, will be all kind of flowers and other veggies.
Meanwhile, E continued to work on the porch. When she’s done, it will look like an actual porch.
The first CA poppy is about to open! All colors of violets are covering the ground, and other perennials are spreading and blooming.
Misu likes to keep an eye on us from the comfort of her windowsill. She is one decadent cat.