Life the Universe and Everything. Just when you think you’re home, or at least staying awhile, you’re not. It seems we will be moving back to Ohio for the foreseeable future. Long story, won’t bore you.
What’s hitting home the most for me is, all my plantings. I’ve spent the last few years working hard to turn this barren wasteland into a sustainable wildlife-friendly habitat. It’s just starting to show results of all my labors, even despite the pandemic lockdown. Some of these flowers and trees are like my family. I’ll have to leave them all behind. That’s becoming a familiar refrain. I know the buyers (whoever they may be) won’t care about all my work. They’ll probably pave over it and turn it into a trailer park. That’s life, I guess.
Anyway, we have a lot of sorting and downsizing to do in the next few months, not to mention finding a rental in Ohio. Still, I’ll continue to garden and enjoy what I’ve done. Who knows, maybe the next owner will appreciate flowers and trees. I guess the point is to leave a place better than I found it. It won’t be my problem, but I’ll still mourn the loss of each one of my plant babies.
For now, here are some of them. My poppies (from seed from “The Bobs” in CA) are really thriving! I don’t know whether to be happy or sad. The crested irises are blooming now. I just planted some bare root bleeding heart (Dicentra), and have a few other flower and bush bulbs to dig in. I still have veg and flower seeds to direct-sow soon, and veg plants to transplant to the garden. Maybe I’ll even get to see them all produce.