Since our new plan is to sell our house and move back to Ohio by the end of the year, my garden schedule has taken a drastic new turn. Now, it’s just a matter of getting all the bulbs, plants, and seeds I already have into the ground as soon as possible, and cleaning up the landscape. I doubt I’ll be able to bring many or any plants with me to Ohio. Whatever I’ve been able to accomplish here is coming to an end. I really hope the next owner will appreciate their ready-made garden, and not just mow it down. But that’s no longer up to me.
There’s still a lot of work to do. Today I planted a long row of liatris bulbs along the side fence, and cleaned up that bed more. I also planted some pretty Dutch iris bulbs under the front maple tree. I brought all the tomato, eggplant, pepper, and other plants out to the back porch to harden off. I planted some miscellaneous plants here and there. I only wish I could stick around long enough to enjoy the fruits of my labors. But maybe someone will.
My son and housemates are about to set out on their final trip to St. Louis, which is why we’re also moving on. Yet another major crossroad in our lives. I will miss them. “What a long, strange trip it’s been.”
Still, nature doesn’t stop for human foibles. Unfortunately, human technology does, at the most inconvenient times, thus my photos once again refuse to upload. Just picture lots of flowers, including the first native columbines blooming. I’ll try again later.