Goodbyes and Downsizes

Photos are back up, so first off, here are some from days ago, including the columbines.  This may be the last time I see most of these blooming in TN.  At the same time, my son’s big moving van came up his hill to take away their belongings, before they headed out for their new beginnings.  I couldn’t even get to see them off.  I wish them well.

While out mowing yesterday, we saw our friendly neighbors working out in their yard, so we gave them the sad news, so they could be the first to know and pass it on to family/friends who might be in the market.  We’ll be able to give them all kinds of equipment, plants, and misc. items when the time comes, so that’s a good thing.  We had the best, in-depth conversation we’ve had with them since living here, which is kind of sad.  They’ve been good neighbors, and I hate to leave them with the uncertainty of who or what could replace us.  Hopefully it will be decent people who appreciate the work we’ve all put in here.

We’ll be pretty busy finishing projects on the house and garden, while sorting and packing things up, in the coming months.  But the Almanac will go on for now, as this chapter winds down.  From there on out, wherever we land won’t “belong” to us to improve as we see fit, and I’m not sure I’d even have it in me to start over again after this.  But of course you can’t take it with you anyway, including gardens, so it’s probably for the best.  You know it’s serious when I’m even willing to part with some of my books.  It’s another chance to downsize and travel lighter, which I’m all about.


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