Lounge Lizards and Bunnies

Rabbits are strange.  Yesterday evening at dusk we looked out front, and there in the veg garden, just lying down and lounging, was–Skunkbunny!  Not a care in the world.  Next to her was a large wild rabbit, also just sitting.  It was unnatural.

Early this morning I looked out back, and there was Skunkbunny down by the shed, where she likes to hang out.  It’s like tracking the moon in its trip across the night sky.  Maybe I should call her “Moonpie”.

I couldn’t get a closeup of Moonpie, so here’s one of a large skink basking on a warm rock.  These lizards live all around our house.

I replaced a couple of dead trees in my deciduous row with new saplings, in this case dogwoods.  I planted a row of mixed gladiolus bulbs along the side fence, and two varieties of peonies near the driveway.  Slowly but surely I’m checking off all the tasks to be done before we move, and leaving behind a beautiful flower garden.

Here are some scenes.


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