It’s a sad sign of the times when you half expect the outcome of a racist cop murder trial to be yet another acquittal. It’s sadder that it takes such extreme brutality and injustice to finally reach a guilty verdict. But at least in this case justice was achieved, if not a reduction in violent gun deaths. Maybe a corner has been turned at last.
Closer to home, I’m taking on the daunting, almost overwhelming task of sorting through ancient papers and records as part of downsizing to move. Inexplicably, I save everything!! I can only take it in small bites, as it dredges up all sorts of sordid past events. I’ve put this horror off for decades, so it’s about time. It will be a huge weight lifted when I’m done.
In lighter news, yesterday I sowed the “three sisters” (corn, beans, and squash) in the main veg bed. Actually four, because I included mammoth sunflowers. It was a big job. Next, I’ll plant my seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant) in the veg annex.
Here are more of the latest flowers. I keep remembering this will probably be the last time I see these flowers in TN. I’ll especially miss my poppies, columbines, and irises. I know they can be replaced, but they take time to establish. Trees even more so. Time is winding down, so these photos are all I’ll have.