Greenhouse Evictions

It’s a relief to see our president joining the world in pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of the decade, unlike the last jerk.  Let’s hope we can catch up before it’s too late for the planet.  We have no time to lose.

Here at the almanac, we had a freeze, and it’s cold out, so I’m glad I waited to transplant my veg seedlings.  Today I divided and repotted most of the tomato plants, and moved them out into sheltered partial sun to harden off a little more before they go in the ground.  I got to about half of the plants in this photo.  What was I thinking?!

The frost didn’t faze these flowers.  They just get better.  Pictured are: ranunculus, native red columbine, allium, purple columbine, comfrey, and amsonia.

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