One more day until we get our second Moderna doses! Then two weeks until we’re safe (with precautions) to “come out”. And then I’ll finally get to see my son (with his two Pfizer shots behind him) when he visits.
Speaking of which, he gave me a lovely in-depth virtual tour of his new garden, which the previous owners lovingly planted with natives and other excellent plants. They obviously succeeded. Garden envy!
Today, I sowed most of my herb seeds in the herb beds. I just have a few more to go. Then the back porch will be completely surrounded by herbs.
This is definitely the year of the bearded iris. There are masses of them around the house, in at least a half-dozen colors. I guess conditions were finally right (now that we’re moving).
The brilliant orange poppies continue to fill the CA rock garden and overflow. They’re mesmerizing. At least I got to see them in all their glory. Likewise with the native red columbines. I must have done something right!
Other perennials (and even veggies) are starting to bloom in rainbow colors.