It’s like 90º every day, hasn’t rained in weeks, air quality sucks, cicadas are shrieking and piling up…not very conducive to working outside, but we plow on.
E continues to work on the “undeck” project, which is a big improvement on the house. It even has an adorable little door down below! The wagon lives under there.
Mostly I just keep things watered, and listlessly putter around improving flower beds, dodging cicadas as best I can. I know they’re harmless and good for the soil, but ewww. By the way, that stuff that looks like mulch–cicadas!! One more month or so of this, then their spawn go underground and start over for 17 years.
Meanwhile, out in the “prairie”, the trees and grasses are over my head, and a few flowers are starting to bloom. It looks a lot more like a wildlife preserve. Only, I’m not seeing as much wildlife since the cicadas took over the world. I think they scared off the natives!