I’m still sad, but no better way to distract myself than to tick off more garden jobs.
I sorted and cleaned up the remainder of the tomato seedlings for hopefully pawning off on the neighbors, and same with the tropicals. (The orchids went to Avdi, so they’re accounted for. Misu now has the whole windowsill.) I also gave my son lots of tomato and pepper plants to take home. Now I just have a few herb seedlings to plant.
Then I took my native tree/shrub seeds out of stratification in the fridge, and potted them up. To review: paw paw, persimmon, witch hazel, serviceberry, and elderberry. Now I just wait for them to germinate, divide them up into individual pots, give them time to acclimate all season, and then decide what to do with them, now that the original plan has changed.
I forgot to mention, I served the first harvest of salad greens to Avdi while he was here. Much of what I planted came up, but grudgingly, as the soil is still like concrete (clay and rocks) despite my best efforts to improve it for the last few years. That’s one aspect of TN I won’t miss.
Another is these damn cicadas! The shrieking buzz gets louder each day, and the creepy corpses pile up underfoot! The Horror. What was nature thinking?!
Here’s what’s happening in the garden, besides mowing and cicada heaps: