This is how nice our neighbors are–not only did they volunteer their larger vehicle to take some of our furniture and other items to Goodwill, they insisted on dropping them off themselves without our help. Now that’s neighborly.
The move is proceeding full steam ahead. It’s complicated coordinating all the business and expenses at both ends, while packing up the house and cleaning up the property, but it’s coming along. Now if the house does indeed sell quickly, as all indicators predict, we’ll be OK.
The garden, meanwhile, just moves along at its usual pace, and helps me stay calmer. I know too soon it will be in our rearview, so I’m enjoying it while I can. I fought the good gardener fight.
As if to reward me, I finally was able to grow eggplants almost by accident (ping tung long Asian variety is shown). Also this mystery melon/squash thingie came up on its own. Tomatoes and peppers are going bananas. I have loads of delphiniums, sunflowers, and many others in the cutting garden. Amazingly, the poppies in the CA garden are still blooming. There are new wildflowers showing up in the “prairie” each day, as well as in the veg garden turned flower meadow. It’s a fitting finale.

The calmest of us all is Misu, pictured testing out her new travel crate/bed.