Going to the laundromat (awaiting our W/D delivery next month) was the perfect excuse to revisit Yellow Springs for the first time in years. It was like a reunion, even if some of our old friends have moved or passed on. There are always new (agey) characters to meet!
Yellow Springs has re-enforced COVID mandates due to the surge caused by non-compliance to precautions, and it was encouraging to see most people cooperating. It’s been almost two years since we’ve felt safe enough to hang out in shops or eat out, and it was therapeutic.
First we got some good coffee and sat in Emporium Wines/Underdog Café for a while.
Next we stopped in Dark Star Books and met “Spooky”, the extremely affectionate new cat, rescued from a cemetery. Sadly our old cat friend Mister Eko had passed on while we were away. E caught up with one of the proprietors we know.
We strolled around, checking up on other old proprietor friends, then…drum roll…back to our infamous HQ, Ye Olde Trail Tavern! Our friend Sam is no longer there, but we had a nice time just being back, and sampling a current YS Brewery brew and some munchies. Happily it was mostly empty at that hour, so we felt OK eating indoors, and catching our breath after all the recent exhaustion.
We dropped in to Import House (the local hippie headshop) and bought a couple of things. It’s always fun to gaze at all the shiny glass pipes.
Our finale was at House of Ravenwood, full of metaphysical wonders and aromas. E got something for her upcoming birthday, and I restocked on incense, sage, and a little quartz crystal for our new home.
All in all, a much-needed mental health day, especially before we have to head back down on another whirlwind roundtrip to TN for closing. Then we’ll be done with that unfortunate chapter for good.