Next up in our reunion series we have the namesake Yellow Springs of irony water fame in Glen Helen Nature Preserve (as popularized by Chappelle and Letterman, who hung out there recently and did a special on Netflix).
There are many natural and human-made improvements since our last visit years ago. Most significantly, there is a gorgeous beaver dam in the significantly wetter land, with a new boardwalk along the Little Miami River. The iconic orange waterfall of course is still flowing (one must stop and taste the iron), as are the main falls and cave falls. Other areas still look familiar, just more grown up and watery. It was a perfectly sunny, breezy day for walking one of the loops (and walking off some excess poundage!).
Last but not least, here is a typical dramatic Ohio sunset in front of our house. On top of our house, we now have a brand new roof, completed yesterday by the amazing contractor team in just 8 hours! And inside, we finally received and installed all the furniture shipments, and the items we bought from Ron. It’s starting to look home-like. Soon there will be photos.