Let’s see just how boring I can be without putting myself to sleep!
I mowed the lawn–it’s too easy in a typical suburban micro-yard. I keep looking for more outdoorsy things to do, and there’s nothing. Not even plants to photograph, other than these few fall stragglers. I feel like a caged animal. At least my evil bird-feeding scheme is starting to pay off. There are actual birds here now–not many, but it’s a start.
Here we have an aster cultivar, a (nativar) chokeberry leaf, oak leaves turning, and my new bluebird house, awaiting house hunters.
Can’t complain. I have a roof over my head (a new one at that, not the leaky one), and we can pay the bills, more than many folks can do. And having a yard devoid of nature forces me to look closer and appreciate the tiny things. And spend less money! A few well-placed beneficial plants will go a long way here.