Imagine That

I don’t have photos to show for our latest “reunions” because I inexplicably forgot my phone the other day when we went to the YS laundromat.  So annoying.  You’ll just have to imagine Stony Creek Garden Center and Peifer Orchards.

The first is a lovely secluded parklike setting with exotic ducks and lots of tempting plants, which predictably ended up in my garden!  In between pleasant shop-talk, I scampered around excitedly grabbing herbs and “nativars” (varieties cultivated from native species).  I had to be dragged out of there!  (There are worse addictions.)

The second place is easy to picture, because I’ve taken so many photos there in the past.  It’s a farm store full of pumpkins, squash, gourds, apples, cider, fresh-grown veggies, homemade preserves, local honey and maple syrup, crafts, books, etc, etc.

Anyway, you’ll have to settle for goldenrod, one of the few natives growing in our yard, complete with busy pollinators, and Misu being her usual decadent, gorgeous self at her private luxury resort.