It’s literally freezing here. Aagghh. I mean colder than the normal cold November in Ohio. I got spoiled down south, and it’s hard to adjust. Normally I’d still be doing gardeny things. My brain is even more sluggish than the rest of me, as I go into dormant mode. I’ve got like ten layers on. Did I mention NOT a winter person?
What I am thankful for is not having to travel anywhere for Thanksgiving. Already the craziest travel day of the year, add to that surges in COVID all over the country that will only get worse over the holidays. I’m quite content to just stay home and sane. Well, relatively sane-ish.
I did what little gift-shopping and shipping I need to online. We bought and stashed our TG ingredients early on. I have my few Chanukah items ready for Sunday night. The rest of the holidays should be spent in stasis, if possible. After the xmas eve Chinese, that is.
Here are E’s excellent homemade pumpkin and cherry pies! And a pussycat in a pear tree!