The fall equinox brought a sudden cooling down, after a storm last night that turned the grass strip outside my apartment into a river. So today was the day I started gardening at Avdi’s. Yay! I was so garden-starved, I cleaned up half his backyard, and didn’t even break a sweat. I finally got a fix! There’s enough there to keep me dosed for years–I think that’s the evil plan!
I got to meet another good friend of Avdi’s who is in town for a few days, and we all got to eat delicious homemade fish tacos by J&C, on incredible naan that they made from scratch. It’s like having our own 5-star restaurant all to ourselves. I think I died and went to nirvana.
The two little red things are adorable mushrooms. The pale yellow flower is okra. The long narrow red flowers are native coral honeysuckle. And all the flowers in vases came from pruning back overgrown native wildflowers.
Back at the apartment, I have the window open and fresh cool air coming in for a change. My family helped me with the rent, and I’m feeling pretty fortunate.