Today I connected with various CRC social justice groups to offer to volunteer. It’s long overdue, and I feel good about this. Maybe there’s still time to make a small difference in my local world. Without someone constantly surveilling, scrutinizing, and accusing me of threatening their security by the mere act of (gasp) interacting with people! Have I given away too much? I’ve been blocked (supposedly), so I guess it’s safe to speak openly. So un-blockage! Sounds like a plumbing problem.
Also today, my son kindly dropped by and assembled my propagation racks (one for plants in the living room, one for storage in the laundry room), which was a great help, what with me being so mechanically challenged. It was doubly thoughtful, because he’s going through some stressful physical and emotional recovery, yet voluntarily made the time for me. Now I have more room and grow-lights for starting plants, such as lettuces and greens, herbs, and flowers. And shelves to store all my overflow stuff.
I improved upon my homemade earring tree–here it is. Also here is a pretty drink my granddaughter mixed, on the occasion of our toasting a significant status change (not mine, although…)
As for the so-called blockage, I’ll refrain from saying more right now, as it’s a disturbingly long chapter that I need to process and put behind me.