Zucchini Throw Pillow and Other Green Things

Here, by the way, is a lovely and decent zucchini throw pillow [MST3K “The Giant Spider Invasion” ep.] that I made for Avdi long, long ago in the last century, now residing in his spare bedroom after many space migrations.  (If you have to ask…)

I spent Monday evening and this morning at Avdi’s.  Actually I walked there, so more exercise!  It was warm, but so windy I almost blew into the next county.  Still preferable to the tornado warning they were having where I used to live in Ohio.  Most of the the daffodils, and more crocuses, are out in force.  Here is Avdi’s latest bread, also quite robust (what was left of it)!


The green babies downstairs needed serious attending to, so I uncovered and spread them out, using the next shelf up, to give them more air circulation, and other triage.  I also added the plants I had upstairs to the lower shelf.  Next step is to bring over more of my herbs and lettuces/greens, and start more greens at home.

Next I direct-sowed assorted carrots into the veg bed outdoors.  Next time I’ll add some more root veg., etc.  Tomorrow is March (!) so the planting will just multiply from here on out.  I won’t be sorry to leave the long winter behind.

My next visit to A’s is Thursday through Friday, so that gives me time to get some new seeds growing here at the apartment nursery.  More on that later.

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