Back to our daily routine. Again, this space is mainly to keep me honest and conscientious. If anyone else can bear the drudgery of following it, it’s an added incentive for me to stay kosher (as it were).
Speaking of (not very) kosher food, while eating my daily healthy-ish concoction (sautéd beef sausage, broccoli, eggs, and cheese), I read an article about STL Black-owned restaurants to support. There are so many! I was reminded how Black cuisines are literally all over the map, deriving from the diaspora they found themselves in by necessity. Just a sampling: Jamaican, Haitian, Ethiopian, Cajun, Southern/Soul, French, and even vegan. (Are Black hipsters a thing?) By comparison, our Jewish diaspora cuisines seem so monolithic, even fossilized, like some Jews. But that’s just me.
Segue to exercise, which I need after all the food-thoughts. I did 10 (ten!) whole laps. Didn’t even break a sweat.
Socializing: I thought I was going to Avdi’s tonight, but it turns out by “Thu.” he meant “Fri.”, so we’ll see. I think he may need a live scheduling manager, not just an app. He, unlike myself, has an actual life to keep track of.
The other three habits, meh, as mentioned. Reading and writing go without saying, already assimilated. Gardening will probably become the new meditation, which I’ll need in between juvenile meltdowns. Any ideas? Feel free to make a suggestion.
…and conveniently, look what I’ve rediscovered! Paintbrush, updated. Could be a habit suggestion?