Yesterday’s weather continued to be cool and pleasant, so I walked over to Avdi’s. It was quiet with all the kids at school, and A just working. He was actually able to take a break and take us grocery shopping. Then back to work. In addition to my usual routine chores, I was able to do some more garden cleanup. I started hoeing and clearing the veg garden to prep it for next season. I may sow it with some fall/winter cover greens.
When it was time for Avdi to walk over to S’s school to pick him up, I joined him. I got to meet his teachers so they’d recognize me for future pickups. Then we all walked home, S talking about his day the whole way. He seems to be thriving there for the most part. At home he immediately did his reading homework.
The other kids eventually arrived and proceeded to do their homework as well. I was impressed with how they quietly got down to it.
I made dinner: baked cod and tilapia, red potatoes, and brussels sprouts. Everyone (but S) seemed to like it. Because of his sensory issues, he can’t handle most foods and other physical sensations.
Later, we all piled in the car and met up with Jess and R at Le Macaron for gelato, macarons, and beverages. We half-filled the little place! I tried violet gelato, very nice. Then most of us returned home while Avdi and Y ran an errand (aborted, because closed). Then he dropped me home.
I’m just touching on the outline of the day’s events, leaving out the various kid issues and meltdowns that invariably arise on a typical day. “A typical day” (atypical) involves Avdi (and I) navigating around and dealing with all the crises that come up and getting through them. Sometimes there are minor or major victories, such as E braving crowds and surviving, or Y not having all their demands met and sulking but cooperating. (Y is “they/he” at the moment. I’m learning to just use “they” for everyone, it’s easier!) S continues to shut down and freeze or go berserk for certain routine tasks, but we’re trying out strategies and incentives that help him work through them.
Well, gotta get back to it! I never know what each day has in store, but it beats vegetating.