I returned for K’s birthday bash after all, because I needed to spend the night and “help” with the first day of school sendoff.
Needless to say it was a whirlwind of activity getting ready, accompanied by apprehension and anxiety, but everyone managed to get to their (3) respective schools by bus or on foot. Avdi walked S to his.
Then we actually stepped out for coffee and croissants at the local hip café, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. So far no urgent calls for rescue! He dropped me home, where I’ll stay “on call” in case. Maybe he can finally get some work done.
This is another big rite of passage for everyone, four neurodivergent kids starting three new-to-them schools in another state, after an eventful transitional summer. Hopefully they’ll adjust, get the support they need, and make some friends. And Avdi can work (or nap) undisturbed. And I can go more part-time!