I walked over to A’s again yesterday and worked on the veg garden while A and Jess (on her birthday) worked at the patio table. I hoed everything that was not veggies and raked it out. It was hard work, but I wanted to take advantage of decent weather. Actually, it was around 90, but low humidity, so it seemed pleasant compared to the heat wave from hell.
Later, A and I walked over to S’s school to walk him home. He’s having some usual issues, to be expected, but the teachers who work with him seem very capable. At home, he did his reading HW without much prodding. The other kids came home and did theirs. I watched S build Lego things out on the patio, while A took Y on their errand. I didn’t need to make dinner, so I brought some leftovers home with me to eat.
If you’re not snoring yet, here are some photos. Less fraught drama means things are starting to level out and fall into a pattern, which is what we want. I’m sure I’ll eat those words, but in general we’re all adjusting and adapting to living here, and learning how to cope with issues.