Fun with Cybureaucracy

I spent most of today at home applying online for various assistance programs I may be eligible for because of age and low-income.  One is to pay for my Medicare premiums, etc, and others are for help with food/delivery.  Since my income might not increase enough to meet my rising living expenses, I’ll be lucky if I break even.

Missouri repubs use absurd technicalities to make it very difficult to qualify for basic human assistance like Medicaid and related programs, so I have to find alternatives and hope I’m not disqualified by some bogus loophole or long wait lists.  Missouri also makes it complicated or impossible to actually reach the relevant party or sentient being to help you apply for the correct program.  One phone number I called had a queue of hundreds of callers before me.  I’m not that dedicated.

Fortunately, I’ve gotten pretty good at navigating online sites and applications, and scanning/uploading the proper documents to prove I exist and don’t have an imaginary cash stash.  That is, if there’s said sentient being at the other end who gets it.  Then I wait weeks and months, not holding my breath.

But I am brave, according to this CVS sticker I got for getting my latest COVID/Flu shots recently.  I don’t give up without a feeble stab at gaming the system.

Skipping Rocks in the Meramec River

Where to start?  It’s been an immersive (for me) couple of days.  But first: last but definitely not least, my latest weigh-in after all the action (and eating actual food) is somehow a record-breaking 124.8!!  I can now round it off to the nearest 120!  Never did I ever expect that.  I credit Avdi, for involving me in family activities.

I feel like I’ve turned a corner in that regard.  The kids seem to be trusting me and opening up more.  I think I’m finally achieving “fixture” status.  We had a lot of fun the last two days, to where I didn’t feel as anxious to get back to my quiet apartment retreat.  I feel more at home with the family.

It was warmer than it’s been, so that helped.  I did erev preps as usual, while Avdi and Jess worked.  I got to share lunch takeout with them.  Avdi and I were even able to have drinks together out on the patio.  (Manhattans, my latest specialty.)  We all had a pleasant Shabbat meal together.

Later, Jess and I stayed with the kids while Avdi got to go out.  I hung out with Y while they painted an impressive acrylic masterpiece; I can’t show or tell more yet, as it’s a surprise gift.  S had one of his episodes, but J managed to calm him down and get him to bed.

Yesterday, it was so warm out that we did some pool cleanup, covered it for the winter, and deflated floats for storage.  S and I played outside.

Later on, A, J, Y, S, and I drove to Emmenegger National Park along the Meramec River.  They were going to go easy and hang back on my (leg) account, but with all the ankle supports I’m employing, I felt confident to forge ahead.  S and I took off to explore the banks along the wide river.  The others caught up to us, and then we all skipped rocks.  I can now add the Meramec River to my MO river collection.

The culmination to our day was A,Y, S, and I eating burgers and fries at the historic Courtesy Diner, down the road from my apartment.  It was between the lunch and dinner crowds, so it was pleasantly quiet.  Then they dropped me off.  I was so tired (in a good way), I just went to bed and caught up on sleep.

Even with the stupid time change, I slept in half the day!  I guess I needed it.