It seems I tell time now by specialist procedures. Since my last ignominious incident of the fridge fall, I revisited perio for dental suture-removal. Now I just heal for a few months for the next steps. The foggy view from their window was not my brain (or was it?).
Then I spent some more entertaining time with the mob, er, Family. My gkids are very sharp-witted and crafty, when not having a meltdown. Y is really coming out of their shell. I enjoy getting to know them better and watch them lowering their defensive walls.
Shabbat happened as usual. My challah continues to outdo itself in perfection. We seem to spend more time just schmoozing around the table each week. S is learning the hard way that some of his inadvertent inappropriate behaviors can cause painful injuries for others. He is also learning to do basic tasks like going potty without going berserk.
It’s actually almost February, which besides featuring my birthday, means it’s time to start the spring seedling process down in A’s prop cave. This will be my second spring in STL. I intend to be there for it.