Bad News/Good News Cycles

And I’m not even referring to the actual terrifying news of another mass shooting practically in our backyard, the nazi-esque slaughter and genocide in Gaza, the nuclear space bombs Russia is developing to shoot down satellites, or even the case of Bubonic Plague (?!?) in Oregon.  What century am I still living in?!!  My nightmares are more enjoyable.

No, I refer to a typical mundane day in my life (even on my birthday) trying to search for basic assistance to survive.  Here’s today’s example:

Bad news: ACP (Fed. Affordable Connectivity Program under Biden) is probably ending in April, due to stupid repugs, so millions of poor Americans like me won’t be able to afford necessary internet connections that we depend on.

Good news: I qualify and was approved for Lifeline, a related but lesser internet assistance program.

Bad news: Spectrum doesn’t accept Lifeline (?!)

Good news:  Because I’m still on ACP until it ends, it turns out I qualify for a lower, more affordable Spectrum plan, which I immediately switched to.

If you substitute LIHEAP (the state energy assistance program I was on) and Ameren, you pretty much get an almost identical story.  Once again, stupid repug technicalities disqualified me, as they did with Medicaid, SNAP, etc, and I haven’t found an alternative yet, so I just switched to Ameren budget billing, and keep it even colder.

Bad news: My SSA net income raise, after deducting a higher premium for the essential dental I need, is actually lower this year, so I just break even.  I just keep jerry-rigging a system that will keep me above (or at) water level, and as self-sufficient as possible, so as not to be another burden on my son, who can’t afford it.

Good news: I’m getting medical financial assistance through the Mercy network, so that definitely helps keep the medical bills down.

Bad news: I have leukemia, for which traditional treatments (and some cancer assistance) don’t apply.

Good news: Because I have cancer, my food situation, thanks to a non-profit, Food Outreach, and a family member, is taken care of for now.  And I’m getting free rides to doctors through another great charity, Shepherd’s Center.  The drivers often refer me to yet other local charitable orgs for assistance with needs, or I share my info with them, so that’s a bonus connection.

Last but not least good news: my son is taking me out to a real Italian restaurant on the Hill for my birthday.  Through Jess’s help he was able to free up time.  So I guess you could say the Goods outweigh the Bads every time.

PS–Bad: I didn’t get to play with all the toys in this therapy room, just stare at a huge screen with disco lights while doing head exercises (vertigo treatment).

Good: my orchid is happy it’s my birthday.



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