Challah Withdrawal, or, Embracing Kitniyot

Erev preps were easy this week–no challah!  Also Avdi and I collaborated on dinner, so even easier for me!  Every Pesach features the same quote: “What will we eat?!”  Then we get extra creative and come up with yet another feast.  Matzah turned out to be more popular than we planned for!  Next year–double the boxes!

Predictably though, the kids are losing patience with no bread, cookies, real pizza, baking, etc, etc, and we’ve cut some corners on restrictions, or you could say, gone Sephardic kitniyot all the way!  I could write a book of all the versions of “The Four Questions” I’ve tried to answer for the kids!  Call it a teaching week.  Though maybe a shorter week [sacrilege!!] would prove just as effective if not more!  In my humble opinion.

I’ve gotten a lot of gardening done every day.  I’ve been hardening off more of the seedlings and planting them, plus adding more direct-sown seeds where needed.  I’m trying to make as much creative use of the limited space available as possible.  It looks like plenty of space, until you start filling it!  It’s more of a community garden this year, with everyone participating and requesting their own areas for favorite plants.

The local critters are getting more used to me always being there.  The robin, sitting on her eggs in the nest she built over the spotlight on the back porch, now just sits there when I’m around.  The chipmunk who lives on the back porch sat for minutes while I got a shot of him/her basking.  So far I haven’t seen many rabbits, fortunately, so the tiny seedlings get a chance to root.


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