Underwater Gardening

These wet scenes are after half the water receded or was pumped out!  The water almost came up to the patio.  Access to the runoff stream is actually above the level of the yard now, so there’s nowhere for it to drain.  Welcome to Avdi’s part-time wetlands.

The little rock garden I was preparing for S turned out to have been previously claimed by Y, so we got that sorted out.  Sometimes it’s hard to make out whether the kids are actually laying claim to turf or merely considering it.  I have to work on our communication skills.

The neighbor lady and I have started exchanging plants over the fence and admiring each other’s gardens.  She gave me 9 elephant ears bulbs, and I gave her native coral honeysuckle cuttings to try to root and a few VA bluebell plants I dug up.  (My evil plan to take over the world with natives!)

All this gardening and walking got me down to a low of 121.5 for a moment!  My plateau level is now down around 123.  I know it’s obsessive, but it’s one of the few physical goals I can accomplish these days to feel less senescent.


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