OMG these gd@#$%f-ing tornado sirens in the middle of the night!! How do these people live like this?! I was just trying to go back to sleep after one of my nightly “long dark teatimes of the soul”, when multiple sirens howled on incessantly. There wasn’t even a storm in sight at the moment. When I realized the warning area wasn’t even local, I just crawled under the covers and tried to ignore it. I wonder who’s behind the curtain diabolically pressing siren buttons at random hours to torture us.
In better news, we had our first greens harvest of the season for dinner yesterday! And not just any micro-greens; these were large and substantial! As it turned out, they may have been our only dinner, as Avdi’s main course was disappointingly not quite…right! We all appear to have survived. Between that and the maddening sirens in the middle of the night, it takes intestinal fortitude to make it to another day sometimes! (JK, or am I?) Avdi would concur.
Speaking of intestinal fortitude, I finally got up the nerve to clean up the downstairs bathroom. For one moment it at least looked clean! Being mechanically challenged, I didn’t go so far as to fix all the hardware, like the toilet seat falling off the toilet or the fixtures that have fallen off the walls; I leave that to whoever eventually gets to it. I can’t do everything! I can make a mean margarita, though. Also, note the pride curtain for my little cubicle in the “dungeon”.
Well, back to it.