Stop Already with the Tornado Sirens and Raging Rapids

Well that was exciting.

Once again, the annoying tornado sirens came on, so we all ran down the basement to ride it out.  Then Avdi said, “Y’all need to come up and see this!”  So we all ran upstairs and gasped to see the whole yard under water, all the way up to the back porch!  No more veg garden.  The usual trickle of a runoff channel had become a raging river overflowing its banks, flooding the yard and garden, and rushing into the road like rapids.  It was not the first time it had happened, but the first for the kids and me.  We were stunned.  Then we all went out front in the lightning and hailing (big balls!) and the kids ran around in the waves and cheered on the cars trying to run the rapids!  The new neighbors were out there, too, not believing what they were seeing.  It was actually kind of funny, in a resigned kind of way.  Like a weird Missouri sport.

I could live without this kind of excitement.  One can only hope it washed away some cicadas.



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