And lo, the waters receded, leaving spongy ground, many veg casualties, a shorted burned-out outlet, power outage, and sewage smell upon the land!
People’s basements (not ours, somehow) were flooded, and people demoralized. But everyone got to work cleaning and repairing and recovering. The resilient E&Y were determined to go ahead with their homemade lemonade and muffin stand all day. Poor Avdi lost a lot of work time because his office power was down most of the day and he was busy dealing with the aftermath. (Yes, some people still have to work on holiday weekends.)
I did house chores, cleaned up the whole patio, and tried to sort out the veg garden after all the flooding destruction. Lots of seedlings sacrificed their lives (I suppose fitting on Memorial Day), so I direct-sowed more tomatoes, hoping we’ll get something. There was a coating of smelly debris over everything. Maybe it will fertilize them? The hail really did a number on all the plants. Still, it wasn’t a tornado.
Here is the veg garden, once again above water and somewhat the worse for wear; the bare reseeded tomato area; borage flowers, happier than ever with battered leaves; and prickly pear, which not even floodnado could stop. Unfortunately, it couldn’t stop the cicadas, either.