Staying on Top

Poor Avdi has been sick and still trying to work from bed with three kids at home or day camp, so I try to do my small part to help.  There’s never a lack of work to do: multiple dishwasher and washer/dryer loads, straightening up the house, cooking dinner (last night’s was tacos with all the fixin’s), and last but not least, making sense of the jungle that is the veg garden.  Oh, and vacuuming the algae bloom in the pool.  In the process, I find lots to photograph.

It turns out I can really grow potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, beans, Swiss chard, and borage, who knew, while the no-brainers like tomatoes, peppers, squash, melons, peas, and onions were a big challenge this year.  I did discover, to my amazement, a whole row of assorted tomato seedlings that I had direct-sown after the deluge destruction, coming up!  Maybe we’ll get tomatoes after all, however belatedly.  The weeds, probably abetted by the flood sewage, are like little shop of horrors, gobbling up everything if I don’t stay on top.

The huge crop of milkweeds really do attract all kinds of butterflies and pollinators.



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